Bad Credit Loans Lenders Only No Brokers

Payday loans could be a perfect solution for people with bad credit or any other credit. It is understandable that things happen, unexpected situations occur and sometimes people just need a little money in an emergency. That is why it is so great to get payday loans without brokers even if you have less than perfect credit. Our service is not a brokerage service – we are a matching service, so you can rely on us, because we will find the most suitable direct lender for your situation.

The application process consists of two main steps:

  • sending an application;
  • getting an answer of being approved or rejected.

And you can complete our application form online in five minutes. A few seconds after the completion of your request, you will receive instant decision about wheter the lender approves you or not. Usually, there is another step between these two. All potential borrowers are checked thoroughly by banks and credit unions, because they need to know how solvent and financially responsible their customers are. It means piles of documents, long interviews and credit checks. On the other side, we as a matching service at can skip this step without trouble because we just match you with the right direct lender who reserves the right to check your information on his own.

Bad credit payday loans – myth or reality? Unfortunately, you cannot trust sites that tell you that there are special bad credit payday loans offered for people with poor credit. All of the loans from direct lenders have different terms and conditions, so anyone has a chance to be approved despite his/her credit. So, with no brokers cash loans, it does not matter what your credit status is: poor credit, good credit or no credit at all. If you need help, do not hesitate to start the payday loan application process right now.

Poor credit loans: why is this solution perfect for you?

All the lenders ask is that you are at least 18 years old (age required to perform a financial transaction) and have a stable verifiable source of income with at least $ 1000 per month (all types of income can be used including Social Security benefits and alimony). Unlike traditional financial institutions payday lenders offer you a hassle free solution to your short-term money problems.

We are not always prepared for life’s little surprises because of many unpredictable factors. So when you need money for an unexpected situation, to avoid bank overdraft fees and late payment penalties, direct loan lenders are the best option. These borrowed funds will be deposited into your bank account on the next business day.